Personal Coaching Packages


I agree to provide you personal coaching services to facilitate your achievement of stated and agreed outcomes (coaching) through a series of regular coaching conversations or meetings with you (sessions) on the terms and conditions below.

Terms & Conditions, Expectations & Outcomes

Coaching is:

  • About assisting you to realise your full potential 

  • About moving you from awareness to responsibility to action

Coaching is not:

  • Therapy, which goes into depth about various issues dealing with the past

  • Consulting which results in giving the client the answers

  • Training, where the agenda is fixed by the trainer

How clients are coached

The coaching relationship is designed by both the coach and coachee and may be refined through ongoing two-way feedback.  Even though we are committed to the journey, you will ultimately be responsible for action taken, or not taken, in your life throughout the process.  

How to get the most from coaching

I want you to benefit greatly from our coaching meetings and the time in between.  Following is how you can maximise the value of your coaching experience.

  • Accountability – we will agree in the introductory session the pace of the coaching, ways of working and level of accountability that you are looking for from coaching as I recognise that we are all have a unique way of operating and I want the coaching to be personalised to you.

  • I will be honest – honesty is one of my values and I hope for the same from you - to be willing to be honest with yourself and me.

  • I am here for you - I want to hear it all.  If you have a personal problem, are upset with something (even me or the coaching) or are starting to realise something big and can’t wait to share a breakthrough, please call or e-mail me – anytime.

  • Focus on what you really want.  Coaching works best when you have clear goals that are based on true values. We will explore your values as part of the program.

  • Punctuality is a core value of mine and I expect my clients to honour that and consistently be on time.

  • Come prepared to each coaching meeting.  We have a set amount of time together and you will want to invest in it by preparing in advance things you want to share and discuss.

  • Homework!  There will undoubtedly be some actions to take away from each session. Do your best to complete the actions but if you don’t manage to, don’t let that prevent you from booking your next session and sometimes the richest insights are in why we haven’t done something….


The Client is responsible for creating and implementing his/her own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results. As such, the Client agrees that the Coach is not and will not be liable for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the Coach. The Client understands coaching is not therapy and does not substitute for therapy if needed, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental health issue, psychological problem or medical disease. The Client agrees to disclose details of past or present psychological or psychiatric treatment. If such issues become salient during the coaching relationship, the coach may recommend referral to an appropriate and qualified specialist. 


It is important for the integrity and value of our coaching relationship that we are open and honest with each other.  In this light what we discuss will remain completely confidential, within the full boundaries of morality and legality (see ethics & standards below) I will not divulge any of the content of our conversations to anyone.  Where I form the judgement that the physical or psychological safety of you or other individuals is at risk, I am bound to take whatever steps are required to ensure your safety or those other individuals. Your manual/journal is also private and should be respected as such. You may share details of our sessions with others if you choose. Please see the Privacy Policy here

Ethics & Standards

I agree to abide by the Ethics, Standards and Code of Conduct as listed on the ICF website.


All material is protected by copyright.  

Session Structure

  • 1 x 1 hour introductory session where we clarify the scope of work, ways of working and goals

  • We will have three one hour sessions (You can also split sessions into 30 minutes if preferred.)

  • 1 x hour reflection session

All sessions will be online and used within a 6-month period.

Financial Agreement

The client or client’s employer has agreed to pay $1650 inc GST AUD for the session structure above. Payment of $330 for the introductory session is required upfront with remaining sessions invoiced post session.


On the rare occasion you need to reschedule, please let me know at least 48 hours in advance.  Except in cases of emergency you will forfeit that session for last minute cancellations.