Why Does Work Life Balance Matter?

It matters because work is just one aspect of a fulfilling life experience. 

This is finding what brings you meaning, purpose, and joy, and then actively pursuing it in a way that aligns with your values and aspirations. For some people work may be a small percentage of their overall life and for others it may be much more dominant. Finding your work life balance 'sweet spot' is a personal and unique ratio and it going to change constantly with shifting focuses and priorities. However the point is that work is still not life in its entirety - all of the time.  There is much evidence to suggest that ensuring you are nourished physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, professionally and spiritually will enhance the enjoyment of your life. And this is why finding your work life balance sweet spot is important.

If this interests you, why not take the Work Life Balance Assessment and discover how well you're managing in the areas of Self Care, Boundaries, Personal Time and Work Demands. Find out if you're at risk of burnout and get tips to prevent it. You can find this free, short assessment here.

Rebecca Rynehart